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Student Service

The Alberta Educational Centre is a place where will always be supported in your educational journey so you can fearlessly pursue your dream?

Full Time Course Load

Student Aid considers you a full-time student if you:

-are enrolled in at least 60% of what your school considers a full-time course load, or

-have a permanent disability and are enrolled in at least 40% of a full-time course load

-are attending a licensed private career college in a program that is 12 weeks or longer and has 20+ instruction/practicum hours per week

Program Length

Student Aid considers the length of your program when determining your eligibility. You are eligible for full-time student aid for the number of years specified for your program + one additional year.
Students with permanent disabilities are exempt from the “program length + one year” limitation. For example, if you’re in a four-year degree program, you can get full-time aid for five years. If you’re in a two-year certificate program, you can get full-time aid for three years..
Learn more about how the length of your program affects your eligibility for student aid.


To continue receiving student aid, you must make reasonable progress through your program. This means you cannot apply for aid for the same program year more than twice. For example, you can receive aid for year one of a four-year degree program for two years. The third time Student Aid will deny your application. Students with permanent disabilities are exempt from this requirement. Learn more about academic progress.

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